We have all heard about competencies and if a worker has the skills needed to do the job they were hired to do. The question that still requires answering is what is competence really? According to experts, in addition to skills, competence encompasses both knowledge and behaviors. As time progresses, organizations are finding out that competency still goes beyond this and that it is not how well an employee can perform their job, but also how well suited their competence is to the organization’s functions and goals. Essentially, the workforce’s competence should help the organization work towards its mission and vision (Kaur 17).
Ensuring that competencies are managed helps to develop the skills, knowledge, and behaviors employees need so that a company can understand the full potential of their workforce (Kaur, 18). Additional research conducted by Mukhopadhyay, Sil, and Banerjea suggests that a good Competency-Based Management System will enhance the capability of the organization’s Human Resources team which will aid in gaining a competitive advantage in the market (162). Competency management systems can be intimidating. Synergy works to take the guesswork out of Competency Management to ensure that there is a deep understanding between an organization’s leadership team and the employees so that a positive workplace is established.
There are a few initial steps that Kaur mentions that an organization can take in order to start setting up a competency-based management system. They are:
Identify all the jobs that need to be performed in an organization and create an inventory of the competencies required.
Select competencies needed to further the organizational goals.
Perform a gap analysis to identify the skills currently available and those still needed (19).
Although this may sound overwhelming to you, this is what we love to do! If you want to take a deeper dive into your workforce and utilize the talent you have and take things to the next level, Synergy can definitely help. Our in-house team of experts has done multiple Gap Analysis projects and we can help you identify what you may need to move your business forward. With the recruitment market ever-changing, now is the time to really take interest in the talent you have, elevate them, and identify what new skills you may need to move your business forward.
Kaur, Kanwaljit. “Developing Competency Management Systems”. CPHR Alberta Magazine.3. Aug. 2021, pp. 17-19.
Mukhopadhyay, Kankana, et al.“A Competency Based Management System for Systainable Development by Innovative Organizations: A Proposal of Method and Tool. Vision, vol 15. no. 2. 2011, pp 153 – 162. doi: 10.1177/097226291101500206